Thursday, February 16, 2012

Makala vs Mahalo

In this post I'd like to introduce you to the Makala Ukulele.  

When I decided to learn the Ukulele I didn't have any money saved to buy the instrument, but I was determined.  

I did hours of research, trying to find the lowest priced Uke possible.  

I decided on a Mahalo Ukulele with prices ranging from $20-$30.  Cheap.

I listened to several people play the Mahalo on YouTube, and honestly the Uke sounded terrible.  Wouldn't hold tune, and sounded like a toy.  

I listened to the Mahalo one last time before purchasing it, when I stumbled upon a video of the Mahalo being compared with a Makala Ukulele.  Hearing the Makala being played changed my mind completely!  This Uke was around the same price as the Mahalo, but sounded great!  

Within 20 minutes I was the proud owner of a Makala Ukulele.  It is sunburst purple, and has a wooden dolphin bridge.  Just my style.

I was very pleased with the Ukulele.  It holds tune perfectly and has a decent sound.  It was just the right Uke to learn on.

The Makala is available in multiple colors.  You can usually find it online, with a case, for around $35.

For anyone who wants to learn this instrument, but doesn't have much to spend, I highly recommend the Makala Ukulele.

Please feel free to ask questions or comment on any of our posts.


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